Spidah asked: How do I remove Hershey’s Chocolate Candy from bed sheets? I was having a sleepover with my friends, and we ate a lot of Hershey’s Chocolate Kisses and Hershey’s Bliss Dark Chocolate candies. Well, some of them got left in my bed, and they melted and got smeared on my bed sheets. There was nothing I could scrape off. I already tried using Scotchguard Fabric and Upholstery Cleaner, and it removed a huge stain a little bit, and faded the smaller ones a lot, but I must get rid of them ASAP. I’m having another sleepover soon, and I don’t want my friends to see the big mess.
When chocolate melts, it smears and gets stuck in every fiber of the fabric. This makes it difficult, and seems impossible, to remove. The first attempts at cleaning chocolate from bed sheets can seem maddening, but the solution is surprisingly simple. To have your sheets looking like new again, even after chocolate stains are set, try this method.
You Will Need:
- Dawn dishwashing liquid (or similar)
- Cold water
- Bathtub, sink, or bucket for soaking
- Washing machine
- Laundry detergent
Steps to Remove the Stain:
- Submerge the sheets (or the stained portions) in cold water.
- Allow them to sit under water and soak for at least ten minutes.
- Squirt dishwashing liquid directly onto the stain.
- Work the dishwashing liquid in with your fingers until the stain is gone.
- Thoroughly rinse the dish soap from the sheets.
- Finish by running the sheets through a regular wash load. Check to make sure chocolate stains are gone before drying. If stains remain, repeat steps 3 and 4 as necessary.
Additional Tips and Advice
- For deep set stains, try scrubbing with an old toothbrush instead of your fingers. Be careful not to use anything stiff, as it may damage the fibers or weave of the sheets.
- Laundry stain removers can also be used to treat chocolate stains. Some products that others have found successful include Spray ‘n Wash, OxiClean and Shout.
Chocolate can easily be removed from fabrics by mixing some liquid water softener into some cool water (I use about 1/4 cup liquid water softener into about a quart of plain water – depending on the amount of material involved in the chocolate area). Submerge the area of material with the stain for a few seconds, or long enough so that the stain is thoroughly saturated. Lift the stained area and massage the wet stain and re-dip into the solution a few times as you gently move the material between your fingers. About the third or forth time, you’ll likely have to hunt for that stain. It’s so easy, it seems to be magic. I’ve never had any leftover spot. I should also mention though that I’ve only used this for a NEW chocolate-melted-into-fabric situation, NOT one already treated by some other method.
Used carpet cleaner and a toothbrush while soaking in the tub… Worked like a charm!
It really does work. The chocolate came right out of my white sheet.
You can also use a wash cloth and cool water and scrub until the chocolate is out.