You have probably been washing your hair since before you can remember but did you know there is a right way to do it? It is easiest to wash your hair in the shower, start by thoroughly wetting your hair. Judge the amount of shampoo by the amount of hair, for a lot of hair use a little more. Massage the shampoo in, paying close attention to the scalp area. Massage, don’t scratch the scalp. For longer hair, massage the shampoo through the hair but don’t just wrap the hair up on your head as it will cause tangles and matting. Rinse until the water runs clear. Follow the same steps with the conditioner, rinsing with slightly cooler water.
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Mark is the founder and lead content planner here at He spent 4 years as a professional carpet cleaner followed by a career providing professional cleaning services to businesses and residential homes.
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Rebecca says
If you have shorter hair, consider using a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner. It will be quicker and easier. They are also great to drop in your gym bag or overnight bag for quick fixes.
Rebecca says
When you towel dry your hair, don’t rub, pat your hair; wet hair is prone to breakage. Also, rubbing will promote tangles in longer hair.
Rebecca says
For children and older folks, think about buying a plastic visor to protect the eyes during the rinsing.
Rebecca says
Don’t use extremely hot water to wash your hair it will just make the hair frizzy.
If you have frizzy hair, try letting your hair dry naturally instead of using a blow dryer.
Rebecca says
We often wash our hair too much. If you hair is not greasy and you are not using a lot of products, you only need to wash every few days.
Rebecca says
If your shampoo does not lather a lot during the first wash, do it again. If it is then not lathering, your hair is probably still dirty or there is still styling product in it.
Rebecca says
There is an old technique called ‘milking your scalp’ that you can do while you are washing. Start at your temples and the base of your scalp and massage upward toward the top of your head. This is supposed to promote blood flow to the hair follicles for men to help with baldness and hair loss.
Rebecca says
If you are really pressed for time consider using a No Rinse Shampoo. This type of shampoo is used in hospitals for patients who can’t shampoo normally. It is a liquid that is massaged into the hair until completely wet, then you towel dry and style as usual.
Rebecca says
Don’t use your nails when you a massaging your scalp. You will scratch yourself without even realizing it and just irritate the scratches when you apply styling products.
Rebecca says
For my long hair, I always wash, then put the conditioner in and leave it till I am done showering. The last thing I do is to rinse the conditioner out; it gives it time to really work.
Ilana says
The No-Rinse shampoo tends to only work on shorter, thinner hair. It doesn’t penetrate too well on thick and long hair. I tried it several times and it was a real mess. 🙂
Lynn says
For very long hair (especially useful for children). Make one or two braids. Don’t start the braid(s) close to the scalp. Start the braid(s) about 1-2 inches away from scalp. This leaves a loose area at the scalp, enabling you to get your fingers in there to massage the scalp. Then wash the braid with your shampoo and or conditioner as you would your hair. Rinse. After rinsing, remove the braid(s). NO tangles!!